August 21, 2013

Interviewing Tips for the Ghostwriter

On this blog, we’ve talked about what a writer should look for when hiring a ghostwriter. But what should you—the ghostwriter—look for when you’re being interviewed? We’ve made a list of some of the hot-button items that will help you get the most out of your projects.

1. Is the project interesting? Obvious as it seems, this question is sometimes overlooked by writers, especially those new to the field. Is the subject matter something you feel passionate about, are knowledgeable in, or want to share with the world? Is the material or spin fresh and innovative? If you are bored by the pitch, you’ll probably be bored by the project. And while we can’t always have the books of our dreams, it is important to be interested and invested in any project you take on.

2. What’s the time table like? Scheduling a ghostwriting project goes both ways. If your potential client wants to have a book written in 90 days and will be out of the country and out of touch for 80 of those days, you may want to let this project pass. Some clients will have an urgent deadline or unreasonable expectations and you won’t be able to talk them into a more practical schedule. On the other hand, many clients are flexible and willing to meet you halfway. Look for those that fall into the latter category, and be sure your schedule and theirs will be met.

3. How much work needs to be done? Are you going to be starting from scratch, an outline, or a set of case studies, or will you be working off prepared materials? You’ll need to factor in the amount of work in order to decide how much time you’ll need to complete the project. See whether your client expects to have materials ready for you or whether he or she will be giving you pieces along the way. In some cases, you may be expected to do everything on your own.

4. How will your client contribute? Some clients are very hands-off during the ghostwriting process while others want to be there every step of the way. Try to get an idea of how much this particular client will want to do, and also gauge how much you will need from him or her. The two of you should be able to find a happy medium.

5. Are you two a good match? Managing your client is just as important as managing your writing. The project will go smoothly if you two have compatible working styles (or can compensate for your differences), each go in with similar expectations, and genuinely respect each other. There’s no sense in working for a belligerent client or someone who is perfectly nice but won’t help you get the job done.

6. How will the client handle the delicate points of your collaboration? This last question is especially relevant if you are working as a freelancer with a total stranger. How do you know the client will pay and pay on time? Will you get any kind of attribution for your work? Can you use the client as a reference? The best way to ensure that you get yeses to all of those questions is to have a plan in mind before you even talk to the client. Tell him or her about your standard operating procedure—perhaps you get paid an advance and then collect the rest at the end of the project or you want to use this project as a résumé builder. Be upfront and honest with your writer in the early stages to be sure you get what you need.

Contact the Jenkins Group and tell us about your project

1 comment:

  1. Some very good points here. I like the structured approach to sussing out a new client. As it happens, I am mulling over a new project myself right now and will be using this approach. Thanks for the timely post.
