November 12, 2012

How to Find a Qualified Ghostwriter

If you’re like most aspiring authors, the search for a good ghostwriter can be overwhelming. There are hundreds of websites and companies promising you success, but you aren’t sure where to start. Plus, authors don’t usually put the name of their ghostwriter on the cover of their book. Here are a few quick and easy tips to help you find the ghostwriter who is right for you.

DIY: Shop around Online
When you type “ghostwriter” into your Google search bar, you get several million hits. Not so helpful. Start by adding key terms in your search, such as “memoir” or “business.” The more specific you can be, the more likely you will be to find a ghostwriter who suits your needs.

Ask Your Colleagues
If you know of colleagues or friends who have used a ghostwriter, ask them whom they worked with and whether they would recommend that person. They can also point you toward a few ghostwriting companies or groups that may have a good match for you.

Go to the Pros: Consult with Ghostwriting Services Groups
There are several publishing consulting companies that can help connect you with the right ghostwriter. They have networks of hundreds of different writers and can match you with a writer, help you set up a contract, and even work with you to get the book published. This method can be faster and easier than conducting your own search, though it may cost a bit more.

Can They Pass the Test?
Once you have narrowed down your options, you will want to interview a handful of ghostwriters to see who is best for you. Meet with them in person if possible, or talk on the phone. Ask for writing samples, a list of their previous work, and a copy of their résumé. Remember that you want to find a ghostwriter who has experience in your field, whom you feel comfortable working with, and whose writing you are drawn to. Be picky! After all, this is your book, and you want it to be in the right hands.

Contact the Jenkins Group and tell us about your project

1 comment:

  1. These are great tips. I'll add 2 resources: The Association of Ghostwriters "find a ghostwriter" service at and the American Society of Journalists and Authors "find a freelance writer" service at -- use the drop down menu for "find a writer" in the top toolbar. (Full disclosure...I'm on the board of directors.)

    Sandra Beckwith
