January 23, 2013

Can a Ghostwriter Work from My Audiotapes?

Audiotapes are a great way to tell a ghostwriter about your project or your story. Oftentimes ghostwriters record interviews so they can go back through the material, anyway. You can follow a few simple steps to make your audiotapes as concise and valuable as possible.

If you’re starting from scratch, begin by doing two things. First, create an outline or time line of the key issues and events your book will cover. Second, send that document to your ghostwriter and get his or her feedback and questions. Then you are ready to press “record”! Work as chronologically as possible and take notes regarding when you switch topics or make an important point. It can also help to listen to the tapes again to expand on certain items or correct any inconsistencies.

If you’re working from previously recorded material, be sure to review everything in detail. Whether the tapes are personal narratives, recorded speeches, or something else entirely, take detailed notes to show your writer which parts are important. You may find that you need to add or clarify material as you go.

Another way to make your audiotapes useful is to record using the tone of the book. For example, if you are writing a humorous memoir, record your story as though you were telling it to a friend, with colloquial speech, jokes, and all. On the other hand, if you’re creating a business book, use more serious language and tone. Your ghostwriter will learn to transform your speech into writing, and it helps when the two coincide.

Finally, once you have sent the ghostwriter your audio materials, be prepared for follow-up questions. The more detail and explanation you can provide to your writer, the better your book will be.

Contact the Jenkins Group and tell us about your project

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